Freedom of Information Act Request

SC Law provides that it is a crime to knowingly obtain or use personal information from a public body for commercial solicitation.

You must submit a FOIA request in writing by email, mail, or fax.  You do not need to submit a specific form to make a FOIA request, simply include the information below in the body of your email, letter, or fax.

1. Specify that you are filing a FOIA request

2. Include your contact information:

  • Complete name (first and last)
  • Mailing address
  • Telephone number
  • Email address

3. Describe the records you want to request: 

  • FOIA requests must include a reasonable description of the records requested. 
  • Be as specific as possible with regard to names, titles, dates, places, events, subjects, and recipients. 
  • Any other information that will help us identify records pertaining to your request. 

Pursuant to the South Carolina Freedom of Information Act, the Town of McClellanville will provide copies of public records in its custody unless the records are exempt from disclosure under S.C. Code of Laws §30-4-40. All FOIA requests should be directed to:

Town of McClellanville
Attn: Michelle McClellan, Town Administrator
405 Pinckney Street
McClellanville SC 29458

Upon receipt of a written request for records under FOIA, the Town will determine if the record(s) are available. The FOIA gives public bodies 10 working days, excluding weekends and legal holidays, to reply to written requests and make a determination about the release of documents and records. If the requested record is more than 2 years old, the deadline is 20 working days. Public bodies are required to produce the requested records within 30 calendar days from the date it responds that the request will be fulfilled. If the records are older than 24 months, the Town shall produce or make available for inspection the documents within 35 days.

FOIA requests that are particularly voluminous or time-consuming may result in charges to the requestor to recover the cost of public resources spent in fulfilling the request. Such charges shall not exceed the actual cost of searching for and/or providing access to or copies of the requested documents. An estimate of the cost may be provided on request, and a deposit may be required.

Schedule of Fees

In accordance with the FOIA, the Town may charge the actual per hour dollar cost of staff time for searching, retrieving, and redacting requested records.

Black & white copies: $0.25 per page

Color copies: $0.50 per page

Information provided on a CD or DVD copy will be charged the actual cost of the media.

If oversized documents or large quantities are sent to a third party for copying, the requestor will be charged the actual dollar amount of the invoice for the work.

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