BZA-Packet Agenda
McClellanville BZA Meeting
December 11, 2023 – 6:00 PM
- Call to Order
- Review of Minutes for Approval: July 20, 2023 Public Hearing(attachment)
- Public Hearing Public Hearing: An appeal for reconsideration of the Zoning Administrator’s determination that a violation occurred and mitigation is required for removal of a significant tree absent of a permit as required by Section 6.5(d) of the Town of McClellanville Zoning and Land Development Ordinance on property located at 506 Pinckney Street, Charleston County Tax Map # 766-03-00-003.(attachment)
- Public Hearing: A request for variance of the minimum side/rear setback for an accessory structure as required by Section 3.4.4(c)(6)f to allow re-establishment of a shed in the former location less than the required five (5) feet on property located at 119 Oak Street, bearing Charleston County Tax Map #764-14-00-105.(attachment)
- Orders of the Board; Vote for Approval of the Orders
- Adjourn